Manage your customer relations

With SalesLogix

SalesLogix is the leader in mid-market CRM, customer relationship management

The most powerful sales tool on the web is SalesLogix

How to Win

TeleMagic Upgrade to SalesLogix

Special TeleMagic-to-SalesLogix Upgrade

Trade-in Program


As you know, Best Software has placed TeleMagic under the umbrella of SalesLogix. So, we’re offering TeleMagic users an easy upgrade to SalesLogix.  Here are a few main pains a TeleMagic user might experience that would cause them to need a quick, affordable, and customizable CRM solution with SalesLogix:

  • Their user base increases to 25 or more and they are experiencing growing complexity.
  • They need a CRM system with a client-server database such as Microsoft® SQL Server.
  • They manage complex business issues, such as, a complex environment (product information), complex selling structures (teams/ tools) and complex relationships (Contact / Company / Vendor / Parent Company, etc).
  • They require automated sales processes and marketing campaign management, out-of-the-box.
  • They are looking for a solution that provides insight and integration into their back office applications.

Call Computer Evaluations now to discuss our fantastic special -- 800-736-3624